Sanlih E-Television Co., Ltd. Apps

台語歌唱秘笈 1.0.17
台語歌唱秘笈 數位互動教唱學習 app台灣知名選秀歌唱節目超級紅人榜 最新力作!!經過專業師資認證的七大歌唱要素咬字練習、氣的運用、發聲練習、音準訓練、音域訓練、節奏訓練、歌唱技巧主要特色:1.專業師資:金曲歌王荒山亮、金曲歌后詹雅雯、金牌製作人陳子鴻…多位專家認證2.多元曲風:布袋、民謠、演歌、電音、搖滾、抒情、舞曲、各種曲風完整收納3.知名歌曲:囊括詹雅雯、孫淑媚、謝金燕、王識賢、陳雷、黃乙玲、江志豐、甲子慧、李明洋、荒山亮、江惠儀 成名傳唱曲4.獨家歌曲拆解剖析:分為咬字練習、氣的運用、發聲練習、音準訓練、音域訓練、節奏訓練、歌唱技巧 七大要素5.數位互動: 透過遊戲互動方式讓民眾更可以快速輕鬆學習由超級紅人榜專業教唱老師 李明洋、田正道親自拆解台語歌曲教學內容 ,讓您10分鐘輕鬆學會台語歌
回到愛以前 1.0
曾經,徐海琳是個天之驕女。她有著佼好的外在,對芭蕾有極高的天賦。五年前,她參加完國際芭蕾女伶徵選後,碰巧救出了身陷火場的陸氏集團準接班人陸希唯。希唯對救自己一命的海琳產生了好感,並大膽展開追求,兩人就此相戀。五年後,海琳如願成為國際芭蕾舞女伶。在一場公演後的記者會上,海琳意外暈倒,醫師也告訴希唯海琳有孕的消息…在希唯精心準備之下,海琳接受了求婚,並將未出生的孩子命名為Bliss,意味著天堂來的祝福…正當兩人沉浸在幸福之中,海琳和希唯卻發生了意外!這導致海琳流產,希唯也因此失去了性命。最愛的兩人同時離開,海琳槁木死灰,她回到事發地點決心殉情,用生命獻上最後一支舞後,她跳下了吊橋…本以為就此長眠的海琳,卻在神秘的溪谷間再度甦醒…她碰上了具有謎般能力的人,讓海琳再次選擇她的人生,但必須付出最珍貴的東西作為代價。海琳一心想讓希唯活下來,於是她選擇回到五年前,回到她和她最愛的人不曾相識的時間點…戲劇將故事背景圍繞穿越時間的主軸上,設定主角回到相愛以前,延伸出第二世的故事線發展,APP抓出此部偶像劇浪漫虐新的元素『芭蕾、唯一的吻、挽回真愛』,用動人童話故事的思維設計視覺,並結合偶像主演們的夢幻唇型,打造『唇愛羅曼史』心理測驗。此外,亦設計專屬的『SORRYCARD』時空信,趁著偶像劇熱潮,讓使用者也能擁有一次挽回過去的機會。Once, 徐海琳 is arrogantwoman of a day. She has a handsome good outside, there is a veryhigh talent for ballet.After five years ago, she attended an international ballerina levyelection, caught fire happened rescued Luks Group's prospectivesuccessor, Xi Lu Wei. The only hope for saving his life of Helenehad a good impression, and boldly expand the pursuit, the two fellin love on this.Five years later, to become an international ballet actressHelene do so. In a press conference after the premiere, Heleneunexpectedly collapsed,Only the Greek physician also told Helene pregnant under the Greeknews ... the only well-prepared, Helene accepted the marriageproposal and the unborn child named Bliss, meaning Heaven'sblessing ...While both immersed in bliss, Helene, and the only hope was anaccident!This leads to Helene abortion, and therefore the only hope to losetheir lives. Favorite they both leave, Helene Gaomusihui, shereturned to site of the incident determined sentimentalism,presented with their lives after the last dance, she jumped off thebridge ...The thought that this resting place of Helene, but re-awakeningamong the mysterious valley ...She hit the man with a puzzle-like ability, so Helene choose herlife again, but must pay the most precious things in consideration.Helene bent so that the only hope to survive, so she chose toreturn five years ago, back to the time she and her favorite peoplenever met ...The background story on the drama surrounding the spindle throughtime, set protagonist back in love before, extending the world'ssecond story line development, APP catch the abuse of this new idoldrama romantic elements "ballet, the only kiss, restore true love."by touching fairy tale visual design thinking, combined with theirdream idol starring lip, creating "lips love romance" psychologicaltest. In addition, the design exclusive "SORRY CARD" time and spaceletters, taking advantage of the idol craze, but also allows usersto have a chance to restore the past.
含笑食堂教你做好菜 1.0
含笑食堂,來自百年老街上,20、40、60的三代女人…面對人生挑戰的愛情智慧和婚姻哲學。根據含笑食堂一劇,萃取出片中數道精選菜色,將其整理為一全新APP,使觀眾能在含笑食堂的溫馨氛圍中,學會如何烹製劇中最經典的幾道菜色。Smile canteens,From the centuries old streets, 20,40,60 three generations of women...Love and marriage philosophical wisdom to face the challenges oflife.According to the canteen a smile drama, extracted the number ofroad film featured dishes,Finishing as one of its new APP, so that the audience can smilewarm atmosphere in the cafeteria,Learn how to cook a few classic drama dishes.
金曲獎2013 1.0.8
第24屆流行音樂金曲獎首度推出官方APP,由資策會創研所AppCross團隊協助開發,可即時入手最新消息、入圍名單介紹、線上試聽、金曲星光照、相關影音花絮等豐富訊息!典禮當天還會即時推播得獎歌手或作品!想要親臨現場觀賞精彩的金曲典禮盛會?★下載APP就有機會抽中金曲獎典禮門票!★------------------------------------------第24屆流行音樂金曲獎頒獎典禮於7月6日(六)晚間7時於臺北小巨蛋舉行,由東風電視台製作,將打造出巨星級演唱會規模之頒獎典禮節目,精彩可期。電視轉播方面,由三立都會台Live首播,再依序由東風及MTV頻道接力總計29小時輪播,網路平台則於Youtube全程直播。今年以「MUSIC iPAY」作為主題,希望大家能一起用行動來支持音樂創作者,落實「我聽音樂,我付費」的概念,讓臺灣音樂創作的能量生生不息。24th Golden Melody Awardsin pop music was first launched the official APP,By the Institute for Information Industry innovation AppCross teamto help develop,Immediate start the latest news, finalists introduction,Online audition, golden starlight photographs, video footage andother rich messages related!The day of the ceremony will immediately push winning singer orwork!Want to visit the site and watch your favorite songs ceremonyevent?★ Download APP chance to draw in the Golden Melody Awards ceremonytickets! ★------------------------------------------Pop music of the 24th Golden Melody Awards on July 6 (six)19:00 at the Taipei Arena, produced by the Dongfengtelevision,Will create a superstar concert scale ceremony programs,Brilliant show.Television side, the three will stand Live premiereThen easterly and MTV channels in sequence by a total of 29 hourscarousel Relay,Network platform is broadcast live on Youtube.This year is "MUSIC iPAY" as the theme, I hope you canTogether with action to support music creators,Implementation of the "I listen to music, I pay" concept,Let Taiwanese music creative energy going.
我的自由年代 1.0
愛台灣找達人 7.0.0
最強音 1.0.6
《MTV》領導華人流行音樂深受年輕人喜愛的MTV頻道,在2011年正式加入三立家族頻道,以最新多元的音樂潮流開拓流行視野,提供全球同步音樂流行資訊,並製作華人娛樂節目內容,完整呈現年輕人熱血文化精神,領導華人音樂潮流。內容囊括:迅速追蹤華語、西洋以及日韓消息,電影與音樂動態完整掌握。精彩節目即刻回顧,直播隨看輕鬆點閱。票選活動立即參加,彈指完成神聖一票。新聞影音即刻蒐藏,最愛消息一覽無遺。留言分享隨時發送,娛樂消息與友共享。識別圖像輕鬆編輯,個性肖像由你決定。"MTV" leading ChinesepopmusicPopular with young people on MTV in 2011 officially joinedSanlifamily channel, with the latest trend of pioneering popmusicpluralistic vision, providing global synchronization ofmusicpopular information, and making the Chinese entertainmentcontent,complete blood culture showing young spirit, LeadingChinese musictrend.Contents include:Fast track Chinese, Western and Japanese and Korean news, moviesandmusic dynamic complete master.Highlights instantly recalled with watching livelighterreading.Participate in voting activities immediately, fingertipsaccomplishthe sacred vote.News video immediately wishlists, favorite news at a glance.Feel free to send a message of sharing, entertainment news tosharewith friends.Easily recognizable image editing, personality portrait to you.
宜蘭瘋尋寶 1.0
三立新聞網 6.7.19
"Sanli News" is Taiwan's first new media news platform that isperfectly integrated with TV, providing news/financial multi-scenelive broadcast services, political current affairs, on-demand videoand audio, life travel, villagers’ hot discussions, andinternational novelties.
Vidol 1.9.120
Vidol - Watch this season of your favorite SET shows and thehottest new dramas.
Vidol - 影音追劇線上看直播(TV版) 5.8.039
Vidol - a global Chinese audio-visual platform, the most excitingfilm and television entertainment includes Vidol original, livechannels (Taiwan, Metropolis, MTV), drama variety shows, gooddramas from various countries, and movies, etc., easily mastered atone hand!
娛樂星聞 2.1.12
Entertainment star news includes Hualiu dramas, the latest trendsof artists from Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States,exclusive behind-the-scenes highlights of Chinese dramas, liveaudio and video, wonderful pictures, movie introductions andfashion trends, and provide subscriptions for star chasingactivities to keep abreast of real-time entertainment star news.
第56屆金鐘獎 3.0.0
第56屆金鐘獎官方應用程式,提供第一手入圍與得獎名單、即時更新典禮動態,以及廣播/電視金鐘獎典禮影音直播服務,讓您不在電視機前也可以同步收看金鐘典禮的各項精彩表演。金鐘獎官網:功能包括: 1.典禮播出資訊2.廣播金鐘獎及電視金鐘獎入圍及得獎名單 3.金鐘即時新聞 4.金鐘典禮影音 5.金鐘獎歷年入圍與得獎紀錄6.金鐘獎歷史與沿革資訊7.好康抽獎活動